Two british rescue workers and a citizen is now hailed by their boss, after the Saturday evening was alert during a rescue operation in the English suburb of Harrow, just outside London.

Here may the police and emergency personnel come out when there was a fire in a house while a family was still inside the house. The family found themselves on the floor of the place in the building where the fire had occurred.

– I’m incredibly proud of the two employees ‘ behavior. Thanks to their quick action, com no persons injured. Their action shows the commitment that our employees exhibits in order to protect the population, which in this case had no sense that there was a fire in the building below them. I thank the brave citizens who helped the two rescue workers, said James Noble, to the Metropolitan Polices website.

The two rescue workers had rescued the family from the heavy smoke, and the brand big brand was, however, a brave citizen, who acted quickly and helped to get the family out from the house, before it was too late.

No person was hurt by the rescue, and they are very thankful for the police.


In Alaska a man was rescued after having been snowed on in 20 days. Video: AP

Also in Oakland, there was a big helteaktion, when a man fell down on the rails and was saved at the last second. Video: KameraOne