The General Directorate of Traffic (DGT), as well as other organizations with their own powers in matters of road safety, perform functions that go beyond regulating and controlling traffic on the roads. One of its tasks is to promote good driving practices, emphasizing the importance of responsible driving.

In its publications, the DGT regularly offers advice to motorists to correct bad habits and improve their driving safety. In the latest issue of the magazine Traffic and Road Safety, Juan Ignacio Serena, section head of the DGT’s Road Training Area, reviews the main bad driving habits and explains how to correct them.

Experienced drivers often let go of the steering wheel to rest their elbow on the window or rest their hand on the gear shift. The most daring ones even do something worse: pick up their cell phone. When we drive, the correct thing to do is to hold the steering wheel with both hands in the 10:10 clock position. Your arms should be slightly bent and relaxed on the steering wheel.

On interurban roads it is common to observe numerous drivers who have the bad habit of driving in the center lane or subsequent lanes. This behavior not only constitutes an infraction, since the regulations establish that on this type of roads you must drive on the right and only the other lanes will be used to overtake, but it also causes obstruction of traffic and can generate dangerous situations.

In certain situations, such as before encountering a red light or a stop sign, some drivers press the clutch pedal too early. It is a dangerous practice, since the car moves forward in neutral, which implies loss of traction and engine brake retention, losing control of the vehicle. The DGT recommends reducing speed by taking your foot off the accelerator, letting the vehicle roll by inertia, touching the brake gently and reducing to lower gears, if necessary, maintaining a gear engaged.

Braking excessively, during curves or intensely just before stopping the vehicle, is a bad habit that many drivers have. The brake must be used in the right amount, without excesses, gently and applying the necessary pressure on the pedal. During emergency braking, you must keep your foot on the pedal, despite the vibration caused by the anti-lock system (ABS), and press the clutch at the same time. This prevents the engine from stopping.

Abruptly releasing the clutch pedal when changing gears causes discomfort to the vehicle occupants. The way to avoid this is to use the pedal gently and progressively.

Driving in zigzags on congested roads is a practice that poses a risk to other users, causing inconvenience, unnecessary braking and even collisions between vehicles. To change lanes, the DGT recommends following the RSM (Rear-View-Signal-Maneuver) rule to avoid causing danger or disturbing other drivers.

One of the most dangerous bad habits is ignoring marked pedestrian crossings. In 2022, according to data from the DGT, 11,500 accidents with pedestrians involved on urban roads were recorded, with 213 people dead and more than 1,400 hospitalized with serious injuries. When approaching a crosswalk, drivers should slow down and be prepared to stop if there are pedestrians crossing or waiting to cross.

This is another of the most dangerous bad habits there is. Driving close to the car in front of us is a behavior that entails danger since the separation of vehicles is vital and not respecting it exposes us to a chain reaction. The correct distance between two vehicles must be at least two seconds with respect to a fixed point on the road. To count them we can pronounce the following figures: 1,001, 1,002…

Using the horn without justification, for example, when the traffic light turns green or due to errors, causes discomfort and nervousness among drivers. But it can also be grounds for sanctions. Article 110 of the General Traffic Regulations, which prohibits drivers of non-priority vehicles from “unmotivated or exaggerated use” of acoustic signals, except in exceptional situations, to avoid an accident, in certain overtaking, on narrow roads with many curves. or in an emergency.

Drivers who do not check the condition of their car tires put their safety and that of other users at risk. Incorrect pressure alters the stability of the vehicle, the braking distance and the braking itself. It can also cause us to lose control of the vehicle. It is advisable to check the tire pressure periodically and especially before a long trip.

Tampering with a mobile phone while driving is a serious offense that carries a fine of 200 euros and the loss of 6 points on your license. It is a behavior that increases the number of errors and infractions, slows down reactions and causes collisions and accidents. While driving, you must leave your cell phone aside and in any case use the hands-free system.

Seat belts have been mandatory since 1975 for front seats and since 1992 for rear seats. However, there are still many people who do not use it or misuse it. According to DGT data, in 2023, 139 people died in road accidents on roads without seat belts fastened. Therefore, every time we get into a car we must fasten our seat belt correctly. The fine for not using or misusing the seat belt and child restraint systems (CRS) is 200 euros, and in the case of the driver it entails the withdrawal of 3 points from the license.

There are also a significant number of drivers who do not use or incorrectly use turn indicators. This bad habit can cause accidents, since it is not adequately informed about the intentions in turns, overtaking, lane changes, merges, among other maneuvers. Whenever we carry out a maneuver on public roads, we must signal our intentions well in advance and clearly. It is worth remembering that activated turn signals express an intention, but do not give priority.