If you’re a keen inventor and love to come up with new product ideas, then you may want to put some of these into motion. If you think you have the next big thing and want to make it a reality, then here are the steps you need to create your product.

The Design Phase

This phase is often regarded as the most important one, as it determines whether or not the rest of the project will be successful. This means that you should spend as much time as possible working out all of the kinks in the design phase. Getting your idea out onto paper isn’t always easy, you may want to work with an experienced designer to create the technical aspects of the design.

This is your blueprint for manufacturers, so don’t skimp on the details you give them! If you miss anything out or neglect to add in a detail and the product is a flop, then you only have yourself to blame.

Once you have a hard design ready to go, it’s time to move onto the next phase.


Before you crank up the lever on production, you want to have a few prototypes to show off. This will allow you to discover if the design is correct or if there are some edits to be made. You can also find out if the product really works for its intended purpose, or if there’s a way that it could be improved.

Being slightly flexible in this stage may allow for a better product at the end. You may want to test out the prototypes with your target audience to gain feedback on how this can be improved. They’re the people that you want to buy your product, so it has to hit the mark with them. This may mean that you go back to the design stage, which can be frustrating. If your product doesn’t work for the target market though, it’s doomed to failure.

Marketing and Production

Once you have your product and prototype fully tested, it’s time to bring it to market. You’ll have to decide whether you want your product to be created in the UK or further afield. To market it, you’ll want to give it a unique look, which can be achieved with labelling machinery. Design a label that really sells your product and it will market itself.

Getting your product in front of people is essential, whether this is online or in a store. If you can, create a marketing budget to create brand awareness. If you’re working within a saturated market, then you’ll really need to work hard to create this awareness. Creating a splash and going viral on social media can mean that your product flies off the shelf, a problem that every inventor wants to have!

Now that you know how to get that all important idea out there to the world. Just make sure you follow the steps to create the best product possible.