the Danes have listened to the advice that the authorities has come up with in order to prevent the uncontrolled spread of coronaviruses.

It shows a survey by Voxmeter has made Ritzau.

Here is equivalent to two-thirds of respondents, for example, that they wash their hands and use håndsprit more frequently now, than before the coronavirus was found in Denmark.

In the poll, conducted from Tuesday to Friday this week, is 1004 representatively selected danes were asked a series of questions about how they look at the handling of the dreaded virus.

It is only a little over two weeks ago, the first dane, TV2-editor Jacob Take Ramlyng, was found infected with the coronavirus. The page is more than 800 danes tested positive for the dreaded virus.

One of the actions is, that from Monday are a ban on indendørsarrangementer with over 100 participants.

Half of the danes have, however, already put restrictions on themselves in the direction. A little over half of the people, as Voxmeter have asked, 54,3 percent, indicate that they are for the time being to avoid large gatherings.

31 percent stating that they have failed to participate in social events because of the virus.

one in four report that they have charged be to book holidays or travel because of the virus. And is thus completely in line with the recent recommendations from the Ministry of foreign affairs, which advises against all non-necessary travel out of the country.

Interference is gone hard in addition to a variety of businesses. Among other things, is hotel, travel and catering industry hit hard.

In the survey by Voxmeter is a little less than a quarter that they go for less on the restaurant now, than before coronavirusset had come to Denmark.

however, It is not all danes think that a virus must put restrictions on them. 15.4 percent of the respondents in the survey corresponds namely, coronavirus does not represent any change in their behaviour.