Although the new coronavirus has put virtually all football on the break in Europe, then there is also good news. It applies the coronasmittede Arsenal-trainer Mikel Arteta, who has reported that he already now is in clear recovery.

This is a tweet from his personal use.

Here are the to gratitude from him, just as he calls for you must follow the guidelines set out by the authorities.

– Thank you for all your words and support. I have it already better. We stand in front of a big and unique challenge. Everyone’s health is what it’s all about right now, he writes and continues with a clear call.

– take care of each other by following the advice which is given, and then we come through this together, says Mikel Arteta, which at the same time praises the Premier League to have put itself on pause as a result of the spread of the disease.

In the English world football it’s not just Arteta, who have been infected. It also applies to Chelsea-angriberenCallum Hudson-Odoi.

the Premier League is in the first place suspederet to the beginning of april.

See also: Everton are putting themselves in hjemmekarantæne

See also: Premier League suspended

See also: Arsenal’s coach tested positive for coronavirus