Copenhagen Airport is part of the socially critical infrastructure in Denmark, and therefore will the airport remain open for traffic and passengers.

at the same time, the airport in cooperation with the relevant authorities to ensure a stronger effort to limit the spread of infection as much as possible. It writes the Airport in a press release.

Over the coming days and weeks there will therefore be changes in the way, as the airport adjusts its continued operation.

– We don’t know yet how much the traffic will be affected, but it is not unlikely, that on certain days in the upcoming period may be a reduction of the normal traffic of up to about 70 percent. We need to align our organization for. In accordance with the recommendations, the government has gone out with, we will therefore introduce measures such as changing internships for the airport’s own employees, the increased use of the homework, organization of holidays, settlement of the time freedom as well as leave of absence, which counterbalances the expected decrease in activity, says HR director Kirstine Bergenholtz from Copenhagen Airports in a press release.

She stresses that the airport staff is working diligently to find solutions that can reduce costs, with the clear aim to avoid the actual afskedigelsesrunder as a result of reductions in activity.

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Copenhagen Airport are in close dialogue with the authorities and follow directions on how spread of infection can be minimised.

It means that the airport now undertake a range of additional measures, which complement the recent increased information for passengers, access to the håndsprit and increased training and information for Copenhagen Airport’s employees.

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the Airport of Billund will also follow the development of coronavirussen close. However, it is at present not possible to say what impact coronavirussen get for passengers in the airport, illuminating the Billund Airport in a press release.

– We appeal to all, both staff and travelers follow the authorities ‘ advice: Keep a good distance to each other, keep good hand hygiene, stay home if you are sick and sneeze and cough into your sleeve, says Jan Hessellund, ceo of Billund Airport.

Billund latest passenger numbers from February 2020 showed that the airport had experienced a growth of 9.4 percent compared to the number of passengers in February last year.

The new measures in the Copenhagen Airport, implies, among other things:

in Order to avoid that the travelers are standing too close, working the airport to provide a better distribution of travellers in the airport area. It means that as a starting point, will only be every other check-in desk, which opens in connection with check-in. At security, there will only be opened for every other sikkerhedsspor.

Via højttalerudkald invited the travelers to keep a distance and avoid standing in larger groups, while they are staying in the airport.

in Order to maintain a minimum of service and the possibility that the traveler can get both food and drink in the airport areas, there are agreements with certain of the airport’s tenants of restaurants and shops that they open in the next 14 days. Other shops and restaurants can voluntarily choose whether they want to keep open in light of the significantly lower passageraktivitet. Restaurants that are open, provide for measures, which makes that the guests are sitting at a suitable distance.

in Addition, Copenhagen Airport introduced an extraordinary high rengøringsstandard with a focus on to follow the latest guidelines from Statens Serum Institut.

Source: Copenhagen Airport