Generative Artificial Intelligence has become an indispensable tool for the productivity of companies just over a year after its appearance on the market. At the 39th Meeting of the Cercle d’Economia, several experts have alerted companies of the need to apply it urgently if they do not want to be left behind. 

Ignacio Melero, head of innovation and development at Microsoft; Ulises Cortés, professor of Artificial Intelligence at the UPC and director of the high-performance Artificial Intelligence group at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center and Ariadna Font, founder of the startup Alinia, have agreed that the phase of questioning whether it is necessary to address the “what for” it is used for.

In this sense, they have warned of ethical issues and the need to regulate the limits of this technology. “Although excessive regulation can be a brake on innovation, it is necessary to approve regulations by consensus between the different powers,” stated Melero in accordance with Font’s vision. Cortés has been more blunt, saying that regulation is necessary, in the same way that it exists in the pharmaceutical or aeronautical sector without this representing a brake on innovation.

In any case, the three experts who participated in the panel have said that regulation does not represent a brake on the competitiveness of European companies, in response to questions from the moderator, Laura Urquizu, CEO of Red Points and member of the board of the Cercle d’Economia.