Caser Seguros has signed a collaboration agreement with Wenea to secure more than 1,000 charging stations throughout Spain, which are divided into urban public charging centers and smart chargers for private homes or neighborhood communities.

According to the 2022 Annual Electrified Vehicle Report, prepared by the Spanish Association of Automobile and Truck Manufacturers (Anfac), Spain currently has 226,088 electrified cars, including 133,382 plug-in hybrids and 92,706 pure electric cars, which represents an increase in sales of 19.1% in 2022 compared to the previous year.

Caser’s comprehensive insurance will cover internal and external damage, such as impact or collision, theft or damage to the charging cable, acts of vandalism, incompetence or negligence, and power surges and lightning strikes.

The Director of Large Account Business at Caser Seguros, Germán Bautista, pointed out that with this agreement the development of a reliable and safe charging infrastructure for all users of these vehicles is being “promoted.”

For his part, the CEO of Wenea, Alberto Cantero, stated that this collaboration promotes “the transition towards more sustainable and emission-free mobility in Spain” and that by securing its charging stations, they provide “additional protection and peace of mind” to its users, “further encouraging and facilitating the adoption of electric vehicles.”

Insurance for electric cars is mandatory, as established by the regulations for compulsory civil liability insurance in the circulation of motor vehicles, which makes no distinction regarding the type of fuel used.