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As the government on Friday decided to close the borders temporarily, was among the second live chat on the Extra Leaf bestormet with the question of who can now come into the country.

Several of the questions were difficult to answer, since the authorities at the time only promised to close the Danish citizens and other residents here in the country. And in addition, only those who have a to a ‘creditable purpose’ with their entry.

But now, the police have released a comprehensive guide that ought to give most of the answer on whether it will be a welcome home or goodbye and thank you when crossing the border into Denmark.

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What is a creditable purpose’?

According to the police guide is the ‘regular family visits, tourist visits, business trips, study trips o.l.’ as a starting point not a creditable purpose. It is, however, a traveller who:

living or working in Denmark, including the self-employed who carry out work in Denmark,

must deliver the goods, or the goods out of Denmark

entries in order to exercise visitation rights with minor children

act as primary caregiver for the minor children in Denmark (can be for example, the foster family, which is not part of the nuclear family)

to visit the seriously ill or dying family members in Denmark

– entry visas in order to participate in an ongoing course of treatment for the health authorities in Denmark

should participate in a funeral in Denmark

to participate in a trial in Denmark

students in the extent that educational institutions are not closed (and is not offered distance learning).

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Can you run in transit through Denmark?

As a starting point yes, but it is an assessment from case to case. If you live in e.g. Sweden or Norway and are on the way in car via Denmark, will be closed into.

transit through the airport always allowed?

Yes, according to the police guide is the ‘transit at the airport, no entry in Denmark.’

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Is a business trip to Denmark ok?

Here are the police more dismissive and writes:

‘In the current situation, business cannot in general be considered anerkendelsesværdige.’

however, according to the instructions to be cases where a meeting is so essential that it is anerkendelsesværdige.

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What documents must I have on me?

According to the police, one must always be able to demonstrate that the purpose of your trip is anerkendelsesværdig.

It can be done with a ‘proof of id, social security card, certificate of employment, pay slip, contract of employment, call for treatment at the hospital, notice of the court or in another credible manner.’

You can read the full instructions here.

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