For experienced drivers, going off a hill can be an almost automatic act, but for novices, it is a skill that is learned with practice and patience. The precise technique to avoid stalling the car is crucial in these situations.

For this reason, the well-known YouTube channel Approved the First Time has launched a detailed guide to help beginners, or anyone who has difficulty going uphill, master this essential driving skill.

The first tip refers to the importance of finding the friction point. As the channel’s teacher explains: “Look, I’m going to put it in first gear and with the brake on I’m going to raise the clutch to the point of friction, that is, until the needle at 1000 revolutions, you see that it goes up a little, just There we know that I have the car revved a little and that is the friction point. It is crucial to keep the clutch right at that point to start the car without going backwards.

For gasoline cars, which may be more prone to stalling on a slope, a more specific technique is recommended. “When I release the brake, it is important that we accelerate a little and give it, you see? A few revolutions, more or less up to about 1,500 and we have the clutch point and the accelerator point,” advises the expert. This action helps stabilize the vehicle during starting.

An alternative strategy that can especially benefit drivers of gasoline vehicles is the use of the parking brake. “It’s going to be very easy and instead of having the brake pressed we’re going to apply the handbrake, but be careful, I won’t leave it like that, otherwise I’ll have the button held and the car held with the parking brake,” explains the instructor. This technique allows you to release your right foot to better control the accelerator while gradually releasing the handbrake.

Additionally, the channel suggests practicing repeatedly to consolidate the sticking point. “When you can do it 10 times in a row without breaking down, up to 10 times at least, that’s when you have that friction point under control,” says the instructor. This exercise builds confidence and prepares the driver to face more demanding slopes.

Finally, for drivers who wish to perfect their technique, it is recommended to move to a more complex method that involves quick coordination between the brake, clutch and accelerator. The idea is to let the car go back a little and then get out.

“I’ve already taken it out, it’s a very fast game, we’re going to repeat it, but you have to be very fast and immediately block the friction point and not go over revs so as not to punish the clutch,” says the instructor.