Can I wash the car without being fined due to water restrictions in Catalonia?

The drought that has affected Catalonia since the end of 2000 has forced the Generalitat to activate a plan to slow down the decline in reserves in reservoirs and aquifers. The Ter and Llobregat river basins, which supply various regions of Barcelona and Girona, and the Fluvià-Muga aquifer, in the Empordà, are in an exceptional phase. This situation, prior to the emergency phase, which would be the most critical scenario possible, entails restrictions on the use of water for almost 6 million inhabitants of 224 municipalities in 15 Catalan counties.

The measure, included in the Official Gazette of the Generalitat (DOG) on March 6, aims to establish “extraordinary and urgent” regulations for the use of hydraulic resources. Among other provisions, it implies restricting water to a maximum of 230 liters per inhabitant per day (in the alert scenario it was 250 liters per inhabitant per day) and other limitations, which affect, among others, vehicle cleaning.

This stadium contemplates the reduction of water in some uses: 40% for agricultural uses, 15% for industrial uses, as well as for recreational uses (15% in assimilable uses and 50% in irrigation). Likewise, it prohibits the irrigation of green areas, both public and private. Water will only be allowed to keep the trees alive by means of a drop by drop or with sprinklers. Cleaning the streets with potable water is also prohibited.

The Drought Portal, of the Generalitat, offers citizens all the information related to water reserves in Catalonia, as well as the restrictions that are in force. In the drought viewer section, you can check the state of the internal basins and in what scenario each of them is located. Currently, there are 2 in a normal state, 3 on pre-alert, 9 on alert and 4 exceptional. No basin has entered a state of emergency. Through a search engine, information relating to a specific municipality is accessed.

The Generalitat informs that from the declaration of the alert scenario, the link prior to the exceptionality phase, the best option to wash the car is to do it in commercial establishments dedicated to this activity and that already have water recirculation systems.

Outside carwashes with a recirculation system, cleaning of the windows, mirrors, rear-view mirrors, lights and license plates is only allowed using a sponge and a bucket. The Generalitat points out that in this case the minimum amount of water possible should be used. As published by the Barcelona City Council on its website, washing the car with a hose consumes 350 liters of water.

Yes, vehicles for transporting food, animals, ambulances and others, when necessary to maintain the safety and health of people and animals.

That’s right, and for this reason the Generalitat recommends contacting the City Council to be informed of the existing water saving measures. The consistories have the powers in the management, distribution and control of the use of domestic water in the area of ??their municipality. In this sense, it is necessary to bear in mind that municipal regulations may provide for the intensification of the general limitations described above.

The Generalitat recommends contacting your town hall or the water company and informing them of the situation.

The Agència Catalana de l’Aigua is in charge of establishing common measures for the application of water use, but it does not implement a sanctioning regime. In the specific case of the misuse of water for washing the car, it is up to those in charge of sanctioning the offenders, either through a preventive notice or a fine, according to the municipal ordinances.

Yes, ecological washing consists of cleaning the car by drastically reducing water consumption, replacing it with ecological products. For this, elements that group dust and dirt particles are used, being more efficient than water, as Confortauto explains in his blog.

As a substitute for water, a chemical product is used that captures dirt particles. Once the dust is trapped, we proceed to clean the body of the car with a microfiber cloth to avoid scratches. In addition, by incorporating chemical products, it leaves the surface of the vehicle waxed and protected from the sun, unlike traditional washing, which is more damaging since the water eventually oxidizes the metal.

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