the Players in Spain’s best superliga may not come on the track again, just preliminary.

the Players ‘ union, Spain Spillerforening (AFE), writes on his website Tuesday night that you want all matches postponed.

It happens the same day as La Liga has decided to play the next two rounds in La Liga will be played without spectators. It is decided to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

– We request that all matches in all leagues regardless of level and gender are suspended. We have requested only think of the football players we represent.

– the Risk of being infected is avoided not only by excluding spectators, writes the AFE, among other things.

Spillerforeningen also adds to the sad surroundings affect the game on the field negatively.

Will the request be executed waiting for a kamppause for Pione Sisto, Martin Braithwaite and the other players in the series. The Italian Serie A takes a break until 3. april.

A statement from the Johns Hopkins University, constantly updates the number of infected and died of the coronavirus, shows, Monday night, recorded 1646 smittetilfælde in Spain. 35 of those infected in the country died, while 32 people have been declared virus-free after having been infected.

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