Optimism, opportunism, a “window of opportunities”… In these terms, unions and businessmen from the Valencian Community express themselves regarding the reform of the Valencian financing system that may arrive, as expected, in this legislature that is now beginning. Both the representatives of the Valencian Business Confederation, CCOO-PV and UGT, as well as the parties, are confident that it is time for the Valencian agenda and they expressed this this Friday in a new event on the Per Un platform. Finançament Just to revalidate the commitment to reversing the model that is drowning the Valencian coffers.

“It is a particularly opportune moment and it is good that we take advantage of it,” said Ismael Sáez, general secretary of UGT-PV. Ana García Alcolea, general secretary of CCOO-PV, has expressed herself in the same optimistic tone, asking to “put aside any partisan act” and face the pending reform. “Now it is time to take a definitive step to correct it,” added the union leader who has lost the ability to act “from unity and from consensus and agreement.”

From the CEV they are “realistic” and are betting that “now” changes can be achieved in the autonomous system. Its president, Salvador Navarro, expressed this morning that it is time for “those years of disadvantage to be eliminated and for us to be as Spanish as any other” and has appealed to the figure of 36,000 million euros of Valencian debt that he had placed on top of the director of research at the Ivie, Francisco Pérez, at the table.

The economist has offered a didactic lesson on the reason for the Valencian debt, the mechanisms that exist to correct it and has provided his own interpretation of how the ERC-PSOE pact would affect the Valencian accounts if it were applied generally to all the autonomies, as stated in the pact.

To obtain that figure of 27,500 million, 100% of the relative underfinancing is taken into account due to the distance from the average of the autonomous communities (18,000 million euros) and 50% of the collective underfinancing that all the autonomous communities suffered during the period of the Great Recession and which is the part that would correspond to the same treatment as Catalonia in the debt forgiveness (9.5 billion) established by the agreement. “The sum of the two things would imply a substantial reduction in the debt of the Valencian Community,” Pérez assured.

Pérez explained that this forgiveness is “feasible and necessary for reasons of equity and for reasons of underfinancing”, although he explained that even so “only a part of the debt” would be forgiven, not all of it.

In his story, the member of the Commission of Experts on the financing of Les Corts Valencianes has highlighted that Valencians “have not been in debt for spending more, but rather we have been in debt despite spending less” and has regretted that “until now rational objectives have not had the path we would like”.

On the other hand, the three political parties with representation on the platform, PPCV, PSPV and Compromís, also participated in the meeting and they all evaluated today’s agreement and signing in a positive tone. From the PSPV, the deputy spokesperson of the parliamentary group in Les Corts Valencianes, Arcadi España, has assured that “now is a window of opportunities like there has never been in many years” and in Compromís, its spokesperson Águeda Micó has highlighted the work they will do for “the Valencian agenda.”

While Miguel Bailach, Secretary of Organization of the PPCV, said that the signing of today’s agreement was “very necessary” for Valencian citizens and entities and has recognized as “fundamental” that public officials get involved in the platform’s fight. .

The meeting, which was also attended by the Ombudsman of Compromís, Joan Baldoví; the senator for Compromís Enric Morera, the socialist deputy Carme Martínez or the president of the Valencian Federation of Municipalities, Rocío Cortés, have updated and read the manifesto that the Per Un Finançament Just platform presented in 2017 when it took a part of it to the streets important part of Valencian society to demand a change in the regional financing model that is more equitable with the Valencian territory.