Billionaire and environmental activist Tom Styria gives up his attempt to become The Democratic Party’s presidential candidate.

said he in a speech to supporters on the night of Sunday local time, according to AFP.

Steyers decision to withdraw from the field of candidates comes after the primary election in South Carolina Saturday.

With over half of the votes counted have Styria only the backing of almost 12 percent. It ranks only third after former vice president Joe Biden, who seems to win a lot, as well as senator Bernie Sanders.

Tom Styria have otherwise spent over 20 million dollars to promote its political messages South Carolina.

– We are disappointed with where we ended up. I said that if I couldn’t see a way to win, then I would suspend my campaign, and frankly I can’t see an option for winning the presidency, says Styria in his speech.

The 62-year-old Styria, according to NBC News bet big on to get his campaign on the rails in South Carolina.

He has spent more time in the state than the other candidates, and his wife, Kat Taylor, moved to the capital in Columbus a month ago.

the main message of Tom Styria now interrupted campaign was that the UNITED states should increase efforts to counteract climate change.

In a tweet sent early Sunday morning, Danish time, thanking his fans for supporting and encourages them to continue to fight for president Donald Trump loses the election to november.