The emblematic W hotel in Barcelona brought together more than 400 lawyers and investors this week to celebrate the conference on mergers and acquisitions in the technology sector organized annually by the prestigious International Bar Association (IBA).

This organization, founded in 1947 and based in London, brings together the largest law firms from around the world and for decades has influenced the future of the practice of law on a global scale. “It is very relevant for Barcelona that a congress of this magnitude is held. It is the only Spanish city where the IBA has established the permanent headquarters of one of its conferences,” celebrates Sergio Sánchez, partner of the Garrigues law firm and one of the main promoters of the seventh edition of this conference, which is held every two years in the city.

It is no coincidence that the theme of the congress addresses the legal aspects that arise from commercial operations in the digital world. Barcelona has been positioned as the largest technology hub in southern Europe for years thanks to its ecosystem of companies and the holding of conferences like this one and, of course, the Mobile World Congress.

“The conference is held one year in Barcelona and another in a different city, so that the locations alternate but the commitment to the city is maintained,” explains the lawyer specialized in the commercial area.

This year’s call has been a success, say the organizers, among whom are Garrigues, Uría Menédez, Cuatrecasas, RCD, Roca Junyent, EY Abogados, Pérez Llorca, Clifford Chance, Osborne Clarke, Gómez Acebo and Pombo, among others. . “We have sold all the available places and we have far exceeded the attendance of the previous edition, which was about 300 speakers,” celebrates Sánchez.

On this occasion, the congress has addressed different topics linked to the trends of the M

Antonio Herrera, partner responsible for the commercial area of ??Uría Menéndez in Barcelona, ??who has also actively participated in the organization of this congress, concludes that it is not just any meeting: “Mergers and acquisitions are one of the main areas of activity for law firms. of lawyers, with a significant economic weight, and, for some years now, the technology sector is where most of these operations are concentrated on a global scale. Bringing together more than 400 advisors in this field in Barcelona and having the conference take place here every two years is an example of the point of maturity that the “new economy” and the entire fabric that provides services to it has reached in our city.”

With this edition closed, those responsible hope to break attendance records again in the next edition that will take place in Barcelona, ??in 2026.