Since the bankruptcies in the beginning of February began to fall down over the imprisoned luksusbilforhandler Kenneth Falke and his family, has a curator Søren Christensen Poses have been busy seizing everything from luxury cars and boats for a diamond ring, and horses.

Now put the latter so for sale at an auction at the Car Auctions.

The case of seven horses, which by the auctioneer Finn Camp is estimated to cost a half a million dollars overall.

– How some horses have to be cared for properly and have something to eat, so that’s why we try to get them sold immediately, says Søren Christensen Poses for the Extra Magazine.

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One of the seven horses, which are put up for sale. Photo: Campen Auctions

Together with Torben Korsager, who is the curator of the Kenneth Falkes personal bankruptcy estate, he has put the horses to the sale.

According to the Finn Camp is there to talk about some ‘topheste’, as Kenneth Falcons bought in 2019, when the well-known stud Jens Kvist went bankrupt.

Besides the horses there was also other things from konkursboerne for sale. For example, office furniture and værkstedsinventar.

A large number of companies affiliated with the luksusbilforhandleren Kenneth Falcons from Kolding has gone bankrupt in the beginning of February.

According to the curator Søren Christensen Causes, there is suspicion about the ‘massive fraud in the millions’.

Although it is Falkes wife, who has stood as the owner and ceo, believes the curator, that it is Kenneth Falke, which has guided the whole group.

It has the wife even conceded in the Bankruptcy court.

in Addition to companies is Kenneth Falke and his wife also gone personally bankrupt.

Kenneth Falcons sit for the time in custody for the illegal possession of firearms.

More specialbiler, Kenneth Falcons have owned, is also expected to be put up for sale not so long time.

– Throughout the spring, we plan to sell some of the other assets, says Søren Causes Christensen.

It is among other things, some of the cars that were not sold by Kenneth Falkes big mediedækkede auction for specialbiler in the autumn of 2019.

Read about the including:

See also: car dealership has made special purchases

See also: Spectacular cars raking in millions at auction

Here was a spectacular collection of 41 cars, which were originally transported from California to Denmark, put up for sale.

Several of the buyers from that time have subsequently been in contact with the receiver.

– In the estate, we have received inquiries from some of those who have purchased cars at the auction, and haven’t got it, they have been promised. It is about the papers on the cars and some specialty items for them.

Without papers it can be more than difficult to get his car registered.

– If we find the papers, then they must like to get them, but partly it is not certain that they exist, and secondly because it is not certain that we will find them, he says.

Read more about the case here Past day Svindelmistænkt car dealer owes at least 50 million Past day Diamond ring, luxury cars and boats seized Past day Bankruptcy without bank accounts: Bought luxury cars, cash Past day the New bankruptcy framework svindelmistænkt Past day Luksusbilforhandler bankruptcy: the Suspicion of ‘massive fraud’ Past day Prison bilhandler got stolen diamond ring to 250,000 crowns