Business leaders maintain an optimistic vision about the growth of their organizations despite the high uncertainty and multiple challenges present in the economic environment. Proof of this is that more than half of the organizations (58%) are confident of increasing their turnover and investment in the coming months, as revealed by the latest survey of the second edition of the Business Pulse project, promoted by KPMG and La Vanguardia.

As shown by the panel, made up of more than 30 companies based or operating in Catalonia, organizations are positive about the evolution of their business prospects: 75% believe that they will evolve to “better” or “much better.” .

However, managers are keenly aware of the complexity and risks of the current economic environment and are cautious about their outlook for the national and regional economy. In this sense, 35% believe that the economic situation in Spain and Catalonia will evolve “worse” in the coming months, while 24% believe that “it will remain the same.” This caution is transferred to hiring prospects and their internationalization strategies, since more than half of those surveyed assure that both issues “will remain the same” (53% and 65% in each case).

Among the challenges derived from the current economic context, more than 80% of business leaders place inflation and rising raw material costs as one of the main threats to their growth prospects in the next 12 months.

Additionally, managers highlight geopolitical conflicts and decreased demand as other of the greatest risks to business growth, as highlighted by 63% and 37%, respectively. In fact, more than half of entrepreneurs (53%) believe that the current economic situation will negatively impact their company’s growth prospects in the coming months.

To respond to this environment marked by escalating inflation, geopolitical conflicts and problems related to demand, business leaders are betting on major digital and sustainable transformations. In fact, 63% of companies are confident in continuing to drive sustainable growth, as well as digital transformation and innovation as top strategic priorities. Followed by the improvement in the processes and efficiency of the organizations, as indicated by 53% of the participants.

In this way, despite the fact that uncertainty and constant challenges have established themselves in the economic and business landscape, organizations are clear about their strategic priorities on which to rely on their generation of value and growth. All of this will allow them to gain competitiveness and boost their commitment to the future.