The new Call of Duty Warzone Mobile has a Barcelona footprint. The mobile version of this famous video game has been developed by the Digital Legends studio, which two years ago was acquired by Activision Blizzard. A benchmark in the industry in the United States, this group is the owner of one of the largest violent video games used by millions of young people around the world. It’s available on PC, console and mobile, but the latter format needed an update from top to bottom.

“It has been two years of very intense work and, finally, on March 21 the game will be available on all mobile devices for free,” celebrated yesterday Xavier Carrillo, founder of Digital Legends, together with Chris Plummer, co-director of the division. Activision mobile phone.

The game has been developed in collaboration with three Activision studios located in California, Quebec and Shanghai. “Each of us has developed different functions but we have collaborated closely,” the managers commented yesterday at the Mobile World Congress, where they announced this launch.

“Barcelona has a vibrant ecosystem and we want to invest in the city in the long term,” said Plummer. Since its landing, Activision has tripled the Digital Legends workforce, which now reaches 115 workers. “The figure will increase as demand grows. In Barcelona there is a lot of talent and we are going to need it, since Call of Duty Warzone Mobile will be introducing new functionalities,” said the Activision manager, who is not afraid of integration with Microsoft, which acquired the business for 68,000 million euros.

Expectations for the release of this game are very high. At the moment, it has achieved 50 million pre-registrations and aims to increase the number exponentially. “The game will be free for everyone and users who want premium features will have to pay for it. With this model we managed to gain a lot of audience,” they celebrated. To date, the Call of Duty saga has generated a business value of about “$30 billion,” they said.

Among the advances included in this version, the synchronization of the mobile game with the console and PC game stands out, so that, from now on, the user will be able to continue playing the same game even if the support changes.