All injured workers don’t require hiring an attorney. The worker’s compensation system is nothing but an administrative process which is designed in such a manner that it becomes easy for the workers to navigate through. In case the claim that you have is a straightforward one, it is not being disputed by the employer or the insurance company, you can easily tackle your own claim. It is pretty unfortunate to note that this entire process is not always simple. There are several workers who can greatly benefit from hiring an experienced worker’s compensation attorney.

So, if you’re someone who has suffered from some kind of work-related illness or injury, you might be wondering whether or not to hire a worker’s compensation lawyer. Whether or not you should, depends on the severity of the illness, the complexity of the total case and the actions taken by the employer and the insurance company. Read on for more details.

When can you represent yourself?

Generally, if all the following statements are true, you’ll be able to do without the help of a worker’s compensation attorney.

  • If you suffered from a minor injury like a minor cut that needed a few stitches or a sprained ankle.
  • If your employer accepts that the kadıköy escort injury took place within the office premises.
  • If you didn’t miss any work due to the injury that you got.
  • If you don’t have any such pre-existing medical condition on the same part of your body where you incurred the injury.

When complications are relatively less, it is usually still a good idea to get in touch with an attorney to receive a free consultation regarding the case. He can give you an honest appraisal of whether or not he should handle the case.

When should you hire a lawyer?

When complexities increase in your case, you should hire an attorney. Here are few situations which call for the intervention of a lawyer.

  • If your employer denies all such claims and doesn’t agree to pay your benefits in a prompt manner.
  • If the settlement of the employer doesn’t cover the entire lost medical bills and wages.
  • If your medical issues don’t let you return to your job or restrain what sort of job you’ve been doing.
  • If your boss rebukes you for filing a worker’s compensation claim against some personal injury claim.
  • If you plan to or if you receive Social Security disability benefits.
  • If you faced the injury due to the actions of a third party or due to serious misconduct of the employer.

Apart from ensuring that you file all sorts of important forms before the deadlines, an experienced attorney will let you know how you should gather all sorts of evidence which is needed to support the case. In case you’re unable to agree to a good settlement, the attorney will prepare everything on your behalf and represent you at the trial or hearing. He will have your best interests in mind while fighting the case.