Parking should be simple: you find a space, you get into it and that’s it. However, the reality is usually different, especially when you come across that vehicle that seems to have expanded beyond the limits of its space. It is in this context where a story arises that has gone viral on social networks.

In Spain, a poorly parked BMW has become the involuntary protagonist of this anecdote, by improperly occupying two parking spaces. The response to this fact did not take long to arrive, but, surprisingly, it did not come in the form of a fine, but rather as a clever message accompanied by a drawing: a paper with an adorable hippopotamus drawn on it.

The note left on the windshield of the offending vehicle carried a message that undoubtedly caught the attention of its recipient: “Many three-year-old children have problems staying within the lines. Maybe if you practice coloring this hippopotamus, it will help you park better.” .

This creative way of drawing attention to bad parking was shared by the Instagram account @ssanpitopato, which has generated a wave of positive reactions and approving comments.

Among them, those who have expressed their desire to imitate the action have stood out: “I love it. I’m going to print a few and keep them in the glove compartment for when the occasion arises.” Another, who seems to have had similar problems, has said: “I’m going to play it for my neighbor.”

Parking incorrectly can result in significant financial penalties. Although this stranger’s actions were more educational and less punitive, it is important to remember that fines for improper parking can be very diverse.

The amount of these administrative penalties starts at 80 euros and can reach up to 200 euros. However, there is a light at the end of the tunnel for drivers facing these fines: if payment is made during the voluntary period, you can benefit from a 50% reduction in the total amount of the fine.