The Tres Cantos City Council opens this Monday the period to request aid for the acquisition of electric personal mobility vehicles, whether they are scooters or bicycles with a pedal assistance system, to which 20,000 euros will be dedicated.

Applications can be submitted from September 1 to 30, in person at the municipal registry or electronically through the City Council’s electronic headquarters.

The Department of Mobility will grant 100 euros for the purchase of electric scooters and 300 euros to purchase bicycles with a pedal assistance system, as detailed in a note.

Among other requirements, the beneficiaries must be registered in Tres Cantos and that the invoice date of the purchase made is between January 1 and September 30, 2023, in addition to the vehicle not being second-hand.

The Councilor for Mobility, María del Mar Sánchez, points out that with this call Tres Cantos wants to “favor sustainable mobility” in internal movements around the city, through these “small and light” vehicles that move with clean energy.