A group of women named Noelia gathered yesterday in Valencia to pay tribute to the song of the same name by Nino Bravo.

The initiative, promoted by the singer’s son-in-law, Pepe Alférez, has allowed more than thirty women named Noelia to visit the exhibition “Destino Nino Bravo. Routes with Art” and remember the most iconic songs of this artist, who in just four years of music left songs like “A kiss and a flower”, “Libre” or, of course, “Noelia”.

This “summit” of women called Noelia (there are a total of 74,038 registered in Spain, many of them born in the 1970s), which has brought together people from all over Spain, began at mid-morning, when most of them arrived to the Joaquín Sorolla station in Valencia.

“It has accompanied my life,” said one of those Noelias upon arrival at the station, born in the 70s and from Barcelona, ??for whom this tribute has “moved” her because her name has “marked” her since she was little, for which he “very much” appreciated the initiative. She was also special to her mother, who commented to journalists that “there has not been a voice” like that of the Valencian.

“I liked the song, I liked his story and for me his death was a misfortune. I still have it in my thoughts. There has not been a voice like Nino Bravo’s and even now at weddings or wherever you go, there are always songs by Nino Bravo”, highlighted the singer of a three-minute and ten-second song in praise of a platonic love.

From Sorolla, a tourist bus has taken this group to Visitación Street, where the singer-songwriter lived. Very close to there, on Lérida Street, they have also visited the bust that pays homage to the artist, before approaching the Pilar Falla, where the Falleros of this commission have made several paellas, each of them with the title of a song. , to remember the artist.

Thus, the tour ended at the Ateneo Mercantil de Valencia, in the heart of the Town Hall square, where press clippings, the artist’s passport, the gold records, photos of the singer, the suits he wore and even the last microphone he used to They expected these “Noelias” to sing.

Between comics dedicated to the artist or a letter of condolences from Rocío Jurado after learning of his death, one of them commented that Nino Bravo’s songs had largely been “the soundtrack” of her childhood while for another his name meant a great attachment. towards his parents every time he hears it.

The event, which ended as it could not be otherwise with a concert of Nino Bravo songs in which “Noelia” shone, has allowed the largest Nino Bravo exhibition to be shown and promoted away from the singer’s museum, in Aielo de Malferit, his hometown.

Likewise, the activities related to the anniversary of Nino Bravo’s death include two tribute concerts, one yesterday Saturday and the other on October 7, during the fiftieth anniversary of the artist’s death, whose legacy goes beyond the merely musical despite of the short career he had, cut short by a tragic accident that extinguished the Valencian’s life.