I found out yesterday at noon and I was able to go see him in the afternoon. He is admitted to the Hospital de La Ribera, in Alzira, due to pneumonia. He had a very high fever and was carrying an antibiotic drip when I visited him in the room. He was glad to see me, but he could hardly speak and it was very sad to see him in that state. There was his sister with a worried expression, taking care of him. “The only thing that occurred to him on Tuesday was to go for a walk to La Murta and he came home wet and shivering,” Carmen told me, five years his junior, a tough woman who helped him for years in the butcher shop. At first, he told me, it just seemed like a cold, with some coughing and body discomfort, but everything got complicated on Friday when he began to have a very high temperature and difficulty breathing. They entered it. It is not clear that Mr. Miquel can go to vote today.

It is very bad news, also for his electoral forecast, which is always right, always, as the reader knows. But I never told you that there is an exception: if Mr. Miquel does not vote, the forecasts will not come true, whatever they are written in his old leather-lined notebook. The same one where the results of all the Spanish democratic elections since the transition are recorded, days before they were held. But in those same notes there is the case of a singular day, the one in which due to angina pectoris, Mr. Miquel could not go to vote and the written prognosis was not fulfilled. We will not give dates so as not to warn of what was the intention of Mr. Miquel’s vote at that time (he has not always voted the same, let’s be clear). But it was confirmed that when the wise old man from Alzira does not vote, what happens is that the electoral result is exactly the opposite of what he has written down. It is as if fate turned against this man, with all his harshness, when he does not deposit the envelope in the ballot box.

Alzira’s ex-butcher told me that just as he was able to divine the future in so many things, including elections, it seemed that this magical faculty was only valid if his physical conditions allowed him to participate. Not only in the case of elections, whether general, regional or local. As a young man, when he was capable of exposing the fate of someone in Alzira, he knew, to his surprise, that if he went on a trip on the day that a certain event was supposed to happen, it would not come true; which generated not a little frustration among friends and relatives. Reason why he decided to abandon his activity as a personal fortune teller in order to lead a peaceful life and not generate dependency on whom he intended to help. He stopped earning a lot of money, and decided to set up the butcher shop; he lived quieter.

His sister and I have agreed that he will let me know if, finally, with family or professional help, he can go vote at the polling station in the San Juan de Alzira neighborhood. It is 28-M and there are regional and local elections, and as I already told you weeks ago, I was able to read Mr. Miquel’s prognosis, who will win and lose, in the Valencian Parliament, in the city of Valencia and in Alzira. But if he is finally forced to stay in the hospital, if the doctors decide that he cannot and should not move from his room, everything predicted will happen in reverse. On the other occasion, Mr. Miquel took years to overcome the discomfort that this caused him. It is already Sunday when I write this and soon the polling stations will open in the Valencian Community. And Mr. Miquel might not go to vote.

PS: Mr. Miquel never tells me who he votes for. That is why we will know today, when the polling stations close. who would he vote for, if he can’t get out of the hospital.