Something happened these days in Madrid. A mysterious tide of people in pajamas, in bathrobes, in house slippers, invaded the busiest areas of the city. As if they had just woken up, without having put on their street clothes yet, they walked along the Gran Vía, looked at the press in a kiosk, traveled on the Metro, enjoyed the good weather in the Plaza de Oriente or passed in front of the statue of Lorca in the Plaza de Santa Ana. What was happening? Why did all these people behave, in the heart of the city, as if they were at home?

The gaze of the citizens who passed them stopped in amazement at those people, in those pajamas. Questions popped up everywhere. Even more so when they verified that all of them carried in their hands or left something that looked like a simple plug with a white cable peeking out of their bags or backpacks. Everyone walked carefree, not caring about the strange looks of those who did not know what was happening, who did not know why so many people in their pajamas mixed with tourists in the vicinity of the Teatro Real or ran into tie-clad workers who went to work in the financial area of ​​the city.

Precisely in that white plug that they proudly showed was the secret of such carelessness and happiness. Such, apparently, outlandish individuals found themselves on the street in such a guise for one simple reason – they felt at home. You will wonder why. Something as simple and, at the same time, extraordinary as enjoying the benefits of Hogar 5G, Vodafone’s new high-speed internet connection service for the home. And what does one thing have to do with another?

With this new campaign, in which dozens of people have taken to the streets of Madrid dressed in pajamas, the company has wanted to publicize the launch of its new solution for browsing the Internet, Hogar 5G. This new Vodafone service allows you to take the router, and the included connection, anywhere because it does not require installation. Something that means that, like the tide of people in pajamas in Madrid, you too can feel at home wherever you are.

If you are going on a trip, moving or going on vacation… This is a perfect alternative that ends the laborious time of installations. All you have to do is take that device that the participants in the Vodafone action showed with you, plug it in… and that’s it. No more. And all in a simple way. Home 5G makes it easy for you to work, play, enjoy your favorite series or simply surf the Internet at maximum speed like at home, anywhere. With this innovative product, Vodafone allows your home connection to move with you.

High-speed 5G connectivity, self-installation and mobility. Here are the three pillars on which this service is based, which Vodafone has just launched on the market and which is a unique product, without competition, and which will allow you to have a connection to your home wherever you are.

Surely you have dreamed of the possibility of having a “portable fiber” on more than one occasion. Being able to take your Internet connection, in the same conditions you have at home, anywhere with 5G coverage. Now Vodafone makes that dream come true.

Until now, if you had a second home or spent a vacation elsewhere, the most common alternative is to have another connection, with its corresponding router, which required prior installation. Home 5G makes it much easier for you and Vodafone is the only telecommunications company that offers this service at 5G speed. All this with characteristics that will make you feel like you are in it outside your home.

With such characteristics we can ensure that those who bet with the Vodafone 5G Home will feel as comfortable as at home wherever they are. Your home connection moves with them, and it does so with all the benefits of 5G connectivity and the simplicity of just plugging the device into an electrical outlet to get it done. The moments of stress and boredom due to not being able to enjoy the Internet in the best conditions and anywhere have passed away. Vodafone once again becomes the best ally to make our lives easier.