* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

In Las Fotos de los Lectores de La Vanguardia we can contemplate the timidly snowy Olla de Núria, as seen from Campdevànol, in the Ripollès region.

In Olla de Núria we can take a very complete circular route linking all the peaks, an itinerary that is very popular among hikers who love the mountain.

The route leaves the sanctuary of Núria to ascend first to Puigmal (2,913 m), from where, following clockwise, the peaks of Segre (2,843 m), Finestrelles (2,828 m), Eina (2,789 m), are then crowned. Noufonts (2,861 m), Noucreus (2,799 m), Fossa del Gegant (2,808 m), Fontnegra (2,728 m) and Àliga (2,422 m), from where you descend again to the sanctuary.

The head of the valley was historically a strategic crossing point between Old Catalonia and Northern Catalonia and currently marks the border between the Ripollès region and the French region of Alta Cerdanya.

It stands out for its natural and landscape values. So much so that in 2015 the Cabeceras del Ter and Freser Natural Park was established.

From Campdevànol we have a good view of the eastern Pyrenees. As can be seen in this other photograph, in the perspective the silhouette of the church of this town stands out in the foreground, which dates back to the 18th century, although it was rebuilt in 1945 due to the aftermath of the civil war and the earthquake of 1944.

Campdevànol stands out for its location under Mount Puigmal. The church bell tower, 46 meters high, is today an icon of the municipality.