Dani Alves, arrested; Dani Alves, to prison; Dani Alves, crestfallen; Dani Alves does not eat, does not sleep… Three million searches on Google in three days. If you’re looking for “rape”, the numbers drop. Alves’ victim: “Several times I asked him to stop”; Dani Alves’ ex-wife and his brothers: “I would never do that”… The numbers are going up again…

Generous with the headlines – the Sports teammates know this – Alves explained in La Vanguardia Magazine in 2010 that “friendship between men and women, when we talk about a footballer, is difficult. You never know if there is an interest behind it”. The victim has waived any compensation. “I like girls who are clear that what they want is to stay by their man’s side”… “I told him to stop…”, says the complaint. One of his bedside books was The Artist Is Alone, by Paulo Coelho. Alves in a Brians 2 cell… And one of his tattoos, premonitory: God is my judge. The examining magistrate 15 of Barcelona.

The cause against the Brazilian player is a digital bomb with an unknown expansive wave. The epidermal comments are imposed and the ambient cold does not take hold in the headlines. Day 1: political use of imprisonment. Minister Irene Montero is involved in her law: “Whoever the alleged aggressor is, the law of ‘only yes is yes’ protects all women. (…) Women who suffer any type of sexual violence have the protection of the State”. Minister Tània Verge declassifies the crime: “Being rich and famous no longer gives any impunity for exercising sexual violence.” The political sprint eluded the bitter social victory: the protocol against sexual assaults worked perfectly, the Sutton discotheque proved to have a trade and the Mossos protected both the victim and the evidence that now supports the judge’s decision.

Day 2: Xavi “tastes bad for Dani”. The networks certify live the unmitigated defeat of the Barça coach. Zero tolerance for gender violence is an obligatory banner in the club of values ??and the legion of advisers visualized a story that the coach did not know how to execute. He knows Alves, but neither the presumption of innocence nor the necessary anonymity of the victim should make her fall into oblivion.

Day 3: digital censorship, his wife or his conscience force Xavi to correct. “I have not had a pleasant day. I know that my voice is very important because I am part of the best team in history”. Day 4: media counterattack from the environment of Alves. And what does Messi think? “Alves is my best friend in the dressing room”, he aired during his years at Barça. Silence. Day 5…