At 93 years old, Warren Buffet assures that he is in good health. But, at the same time, he ironically remembers that he knows very well how the actuarial tables of statistics work, having invested in insurance. The Oracle of Omaha knows that his biological time is approaching its end.

This week the annual shareholder meeting in Omaha (Nebraska) of its financial conglomerate, Berkshire Hathaway, has been very special. It was the first without the presence of his partner and friend Charlie Munger, who died last year at the age of 99. And it has been a summit also marked by a certain melancholy, with the feeling that a stage that began sixty years ago is about to end.

Warren Buffett confessed that currently his staff barely consults him for operational decisions, at this point in his business life. As some would say, he has taken a step aside. Greg Abel, his designated successor, stole the show. In twenty years in the company she has earned the trust of the most famous investor in the world, to the point of becoming his dolphin. “This is like a monarchy. The heir has been preparing for years,” say those who were at the event, which attracted thousands of people. “Greg Abel understands business very well. And if you understand business, you understand stocks,” Buffett said.

Several attendees at this year’s meeting, known as the Woodstock of capitalism, without expressly admitting it, knew that it could be one of the last times to see Warren Buffett, the world’s sixth richest man, in action up close.

Some queued from five in the morning. And he did not disappoint. After a standing ovation, he submitted to a battery of questions for almost five hours, never leaving his beloved Cherry Coke, a drink of which he consumes daily (and of which he is a shareholder, by the way).

This year there were several new features. Berkshire Hathaway closed the first quarter of this year with operating profits of nearly €11 billion, a record figure, with growth of 39%. But perhaps the most striking thing is that Warren Buffett comes to the end of his business career with a wealth richer than ever, due, in his opinion, to the lack of investment opportunities. The treasure that he leaves as an inheritance to his shareholders is 175,000 million euros.

Buffett was criticized for having invested too late in technology, until he massively entered Apple in 2016, considering it a consumer company. His participation in Tim Cook’s firm (present in the front row in Omaha) is worth more than 130,000 million euros. But he cut himself 13% in the first quarter: not because of distrust, but –officially– for tax reasons.

As a curiosity, Buffett has made his business fortune in his portfolio thanks to just five listed securities: Apple, Coca Cola, Bank of America, American Express and Chevron, which represent almost two-thirds of his portfolio. With the almost exclusive focus on the United States. “I have seen two investment greats like Bill Ackman, from Pershing Square Capital, and Li Liu, from Himalaya Capital Management,” says a Barcelona manager who went to Omaha so as not to miss the show. “Perhaps the most relevant thing is to see the number of managers that now copy or are inspired by the Buffett model,” he says. “This is the true inheritance that he leaves.”

Obviously, the oracle also made some mistakes throughout his extraordinary career. He admitted, for example, that with the Paramount film production company he lost money and that he has now completely exited the capital. His investments in the energy sector are also not yielding as much as in the past, with climate change forcing him to rethink the strategy.

In the end no one is perfect, not even him. “My future could last another six or seven years or end tomorrow. Next year I hope to be here again. But if the company makes bad decisions, it could even come back from heaven to tell off,” he joked. For Buffett there is only the short term.