* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

When I took this photograph of the interior of the Vergós Guerrejat castle I realized that there was someone inside. It is not a joke. Are you able to identify who it is?

This is the new visual challenge that I propose to you today in The Readers’ Challenge of La Vanguardia. The dynamics of the game are about pointing out and identifying someone who has sneaked into the castle and who appears in this snapshot.

This time I’m not going to give you any clues or show you any other helpful photographs, because I would say that the Challenge is not very difficult this time, right?

Well, yes, I will tell you that it is an animal, not very big and that it is still looking at us upside down. Now this is a good clue, right?

In any case, here I show you the solution. I have marked the exact position of the bat that I found inside the castle of Vergós Guerrejat.