* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

From my house lot, in the town of Altet, in the Urgell region, I have seen two black kites. Can you help me find them in these three photographs I have taken?

This is the new visual challenge that I propose to you today in this edition of The Readers’ Challenge of La Vanguardia. The dynamics of the game are clear, you just have to locate the two black kites that appear in each of the images.

Be careful because it is possible that another bird may appear, which is not a black kite, so what may seem easy to you is not so easy. These are the three photographs:

Have you managed to find the two black kites in the three photographs? If you see them in one, you will surely find them in the other two, because they are in the same place. As a clue, I will only tell you that the two birds are very close together. And this is a good help.

In any case, time is already up, so I’m going to show you the three photographs again, but this time I have marked the position of the two black kites.

And, finally, I show you in detail the two black kites that appear together in the three photographs and which are the ones we were looking for in this Visual Challenge.