* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

Today we are going to continue with this series of four visual challenges related to the mural painting of the high altar of the church of Santa Maria Magdalena de Vergós Guerrejat, population entity of the municipality of Estaràs, in the region of Segarra.

Today we are going to look for the figure that represents Justice, are you able to locate it in this photograph of the mural painting of the church? This is the new game that I propose to you in The La Vanguardia Readers’ Challenge.

Justice is a moral concept that involves treating each person and matter impartially. In today’s societies, the culturally accepted vision of what is fair is embodied in the law.

Justice or the quality of justice is an idea that can encompass practically any conduct aimed at good or conduct considered morally correct.

Its symbol is a blindfolded woman holding a scale. And with this I am already giving you a clue to solve this Visual Challenge, if you have not already done so.

Have you managed to find the figure of Justice in the painting as a whole?… In any case, I am going to show you the photograph again, but this time I have shown you the solution.