* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

Today we are going to start a series of four visual challenges related to the mural painting of the main altar of the church of Santa Maria Magdalena de Vergós Guerrejat, a town in the municipality of Estaràs, in the Segarra region.

To begin with, today we will start by looking for the figure that represents Hope, are you able to locate it in this photograph of the church’s mural painting? This is the new game that I propose to you in The La Vanguardia Readers’ Challenge.

Have you managed to find the figure of Hope in the painting as a whole?… Hope is an optimistic state of mind based on the expectation of favorable results related to events or circumstances in one’s life or the world as a whole. . And it has been represented in the history of religions and since ancient times. For example, it already appears in Greek mythology in the story of Pandora’s box.

In Christian theology, Hope is one of the three theological virtues (along with Faith and Charity) and they form an indissoluble unity with the cardinal or natural virtues: prudence, justice, temperance and fortitude. Together they describe the Christian image of the human being.

Hope is opposed, by default, by despair, which is the total loss of hope, and, by excess, presumption. And on the other hand, fear.

I’m going to give you some clues to find Hope in the painting. She is usually represented as the figure of a young nymph, with a serene face, smiling gracefully. Has it helped you find it? Yeah? No? In any case, I am now going to show you the solution to the Visual Challenge.