Vernon Winfrey was the father of Oprah Winfrey. He died Friday. Oprah posted an Instagram message saying that Vernon Winfrey, the father of Oprah Winfrey, died at home with his family.

She wrote that she had the honor of witnessing “the man responsible for my existence, take his final breath.”

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Oprah said that she could feel peace entering the room after his death. “That Peace still abides. All is well. We are grateful for your prayers, and positive thoughts.

Oprah Daily reports that Vernon Winfrey was suffering from cancer. His TV mogul daughter, Oprah Daily, had visited him at his Nashville home last weekend for Father’s Day. They turned what he thought would be a Fourth of July celebration into an honoring his death.

Oprah wrote in an Instagram post that Wintley Phipps, a gospel singer, “saluted” him with song. “He felt the love and enjoyed it until he couldn’t speak.”

Nashville Mayor John Cooper posted his condolences on Saturday morning via a tweet.

He wrote that Vernon served 16 years on the Metro Council and had dedicated his life to mentoring, barbering, and entrepreneurship in the community. He is a veteran of the Army and a deacon. His legacy includes a lot of service.