Víctor Font, candidate for the presidency of Barça in the last elections and the only opponent of the current club board, did not rule out presenting a motion of censure if the entity’s managers cross “red lines”, which in this case represents committing a “crime”.

“I am concerned about the general disarray of the club, both economically, institutionally and socially, which then has repercussions on the sporting field. I’m not worried about not having won any title, but rather about not having done things well. Laportismo is another ism, the club lives in trenches and prevents it from uniting all its forces. It was time to bring together talent and professionalize the club, but we are worse than three years ago,” explained the businessman in an interview for El matí de Catalunya Ràdio.

The general director of Delta Partners Group, in the telecommunications sector, was initially against presenting a motion of censure, as he has always defended, since he is a defender “of democracy” and puts the “stability of the club” first. before a few “decisive weeks” in which the pending income that Libero had to contribute and the renegotiation of the contract with Nike must be resolved.

“Motions of no confidence should be prohibited. They cannot be executed due to manager errors. We all make mistakes. It should not be possible to activate it because we do not like what has been voted. They should be allowed to work because they have been voted for. The motion is if red lines are crossed, if there is a crime, as we already participated in the motion of censure against Bartomeu for Barçagate,” Font explained.

In this way, Font did not rule out using this mechanism to remove the current club board following the information published by El Periódico, which explains how an American company deposited 350,000 in the account of the Barça directors and then organized two matches. friendly. “I hope there is transparency and this is explained. It is easy to assume that in exchange for this payment business has been given to a club supplier. It would be serious. It is one more symptom of how the club is doing. It’s just the tip of the iceberg. They will have to ensure that a red line has not been crossed. It doesn’t look good,” he said about this alleged irregularity.

“We are late in closing the page with an obsolete model, from the last century. Whoever governs acts as an owner, with his back to the partner. There are no efficient control mechanisms,” insisted Font, who also criticized the board’s “false” message: “I am worried because we are not being told the truth, the club’s story is false. The partner is deceived, it is serious. That the situation is worse than three years ago does not say Víctor Font, the numbers say it.”

Despite the delicate situation of the entity, Font considers that Barça “has enormous potential.” “We could compete head to head with a State club like Madrid, but we have to do it well. They can sign Mbappé because they have done well. They know what they are talking about. We have more talent than in Madrid. There are talented people but those who make the decisions are friends and family of the president,” he lamented.

Font also denounced that it is not explained “what Alejandro Echeverría, brother-in-law of the president, is doing in making sports decisions” or Deco, also a friend of Laporta, and the sports vice president, Rafa Yuste, “a beautiful person but he is not known for his sports knowledge.” “And Laporta is a lawyer. Laporta knew how to delegate in his previous stage, he had the advice of Cruyff and Txiki Begiristain. The reality of now has nothing to do with then. And now he has no money and no sporting needs.”

“There is a temptation for the president to flee forward. Better to admit the mistake, and I will support you. What we do not want is a fictitious story, with false expectations that generate false illusions,” she stated.

Font placed special emphasis on the signing of Vitor Roque for “39 million fixed”, and not 30, as the club said. “We presented him as if he were Ronaldo and Ronaldinho, then he doesn’t play and now they want to sell him,” he explained of the Brazilian. , although in general he regretted the supposed sporting drift: “How can it be that with a month to go before the season ends, when we should have done our homework, we don’t know who we can sign and names are leaking.”

Font considers that the “project is currently going through Xavi”, who was his candidate for the bench in the elections, but pointing out that he is “a piece of the machine”. “The board cannot dictate the lineups to the coach. We will never know how Xavi would have worked with our project,” said the businessman, who continues working in the shadows to present a project that modernizes the club.

“If there were elections tomorrow, I would run. What I don’t know is what will happen two years from now. I don’t know if the work I do will be of any use, but I don’t stop working. In a month we will explain in a press conference the movement we are making. I am always available to the club. We want to ensure that Barcelona fans know that there is an alternative,” Font concluded.