The PSPV closed ranks yesterday with Pedro Sánchez. And prominent leaders of the second Valencian federation went out of their way to show their support for the President of the Government. Our general secretary. “Our president. Always by your side,” PSPV himself wrote on his account on the social network ‘X’ (formerly Twitter). Along these same lines, the socialist ombudsman in Les Corts Valencianes, José Muñoz, conveyed to the leader of the PSOE “all our love and support”, in addition to “the strength of all socialism”.

At this point, the parliamentary spokesperson denounced “the harassment and lies of the right and the extreme right”, which he described as “unbearable”. “Not everything goes. We are with you,” he added.

Meanwhile, the Government delegate in the Valencian Community and secretary of the Institutional area of ​​the PSPV-PSOE, Pilar Bernabé, also via social networks, accused “the right” of having “exceeded all limits” with the President of the Government: “They “It doesn’t matter who they drag through the mud to attack Pedro Sánchez and what he represents.” “In politics, not everything goes,” said Bernabé, who, in response, has claimed that today Pedro Sánchez “gives us a great lesson in humility and humanity.”

From Pamplona, ​​the Minister of Science, Innovation and Universities and General Secretary of the PSPV-PSOE, Diana Morant, in statements to the media, stated that the President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, “has opened his heart” in the letter ” and has been addressed in an unprecedented way to each of the Spaniards”.

Morant pointed out that she has not read the letter as a minister but “as a Spaniard”, since “I think that is the will” of Sánchez. “The President of the Government has written a letter in his own handwriting and I believe that we Spaniards, who are the ones it is addressed to, must read it,” he noted, after adding that “I am not going to interpret the president’s words.”

According to Morant, “each of us has to read it – the letter – and hold it in the broad sense, and savor it and see what flavor remains with each of us after reading that letter.” “The President of the Government writes this letter and his intention is for us to read it. We are making an institutional appearance, it is not my place to make an institutional interpretation of words that are very personal and that are addressed to each of the Spanish men and women.” , has manifested.

In his opinion, “it is up to us Spaniards to read it, that is what the president invites us to do.” “Everyone, after reading it, will generate their opinion, but the president has clearly opened his heart and has addressed each of the Spaniards in an unprecedented way. That is the intention of the letter and, therefore, the only thing that What I can do is ask you to read it.

Moments later, via social media, Morant showed “all his affection” to Sánchez and emphasized that the President of the Government had written a “sincere, first-person letter, addressed to all Spaniards, to all of us.” , for which he has invited “all citizens to read it and reflect.”

For her part, the Secretary of State for Industry and Secretary of Industry of the PSPV, Rebeca Torró, joined the demonstrations of support for Sánchez and his wife and considered that we Spaniards “do not deserve this low policy that attacks even what we we want more.” “The PP, the extreme right and all their spokespersons have been crossing the red lines of democracy for some time. United to cover up their lack of project,” she stated.

And the Secretary of State for Territorial Policy, Arcadi España, also from Valencia, showed his “admiration, solidarity and support” to the President of the Government and his family, and assured: “Hate will never defeat democracy.”

Likewise, the ‘former president’ of the Generalitat Valenciana and former secretary general of the PSPV Ximo Puig has highlighted that Sánchez has expressed a “very human reaction” and that in his text he sends a “transcendental message: what good is democracy without coexistence and respect?” “We cannot fall into the destructive spiral of populism. All my support, President,” he reacted.