A group of women called Noelia, like the famous song by Nino Bravo, will meet on September 30 in Valencia to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the death of the Valencian singer.

The company “Destino Nino Bravo. Rutas con Arte”, directed by the singer’s son-in-law Pepe Alférez, has organized this very special meeting in collaboration with Renfe, Visit València and the city council, as Alférez himself explained to EFE.

Thus, next Saturday, a total of twenty women named Noelia will travel on an AVE train from Madrid to Valencia – for which there are still some places available -, where they will attend the exhibition that the Ateneo Mercantil de València has been hosting since the end of August in tribute to the interpreter, whose death in a car accident, on April 16 in Villarrubio (Cuenca), marks half a century this year.

Throughout the day, these traveling “Noelias” will be able to get closer to the artist’s universe, his personal and professional world and discover the land where the author of hymns such as “A kiss and a flower”, “Libre”, “Te I love you, I love you” or, of course, “Noelia”.

According to the biography published on the official website about the life and work of Nino Bravo, the success of “Noelia”, published in 1972 within the album “Un kiss y una flor”, was such that, “months later, the record Spanish civil society experienced an explosion of births registered” with that name.

Alférez has indicated that a tourist bus will pick up all these women at the Joaquín Sorolla station and take them on a tour of those spaces in the city related to Nino Bravo, such as the building where he lived or the bust dedicated to the artist.

The tour, which will also visit the historic center of the city, will end at the Ateneo Mercantil de València, in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento, where these women, who may be joined by other Valencian “Noelias”, will learn about the exhibition that exhibits in the Noble Hall of the Ateneo until October 29. Free entry for the first 100 “Noelias”

Alférez explained that they also wanted to include the Valencian “Noelias” in this initiative, so from “Destino Nino”, in collaboration with Visit València, the city council and the Ateneo, they will give away one hundred tickets to see the exhibition.

The beneficiaries will be the first hundred women named Noelia who attend the exhibition organized by the Ateneo starting at 4 p.m. next Saturday.

This is the largest exhibition of Nino Bravo and the first time it has been held on this scale away from the singer’s museum in Aielo de Malferit – his hometown -, the Ateneo has explained.

It has the main belongings and personal objects that are exhibited in the Nino Bravo Museum, and unique pieces from private collectors such as the last microphone, for example, that the singer held in a performance on TVE in February 1973.

These pieces are added to others of great professional and sentimental value such as the unpublished discography of the Valencian artist published in Latin America, not in Spain, as well as the awards he received.

It also includes costumes that he used in different concerts and in songs for history such as “Libre”; personal belongings of great value, posters from his tours, personal amulets that she acquired all over the world or unpublished videos.

“Nino Bravo, the exhibition” has the collaboration of the artist’s family; of the Nino Bravo Museum, of “Destino Nino” and of the town councils of València and Aielo de Malferit. Tribute concert

Activities related to the anniversary of Nino Bravo’s death include two tribute concerts to the singer, one this Sunday and the other on October 7.

The Ateneo Mercantil decided to offer a second concert due to the great demand for tickets for the first performance, which sold all 500 seats in just over a month.

This homage-tribute lasts almost two hours, in which Eva Ferri, the artist’s daughter, accompanied on stage by Felipe Garpe and Sheila García, will perform Nino Bravo’s most notable songs, as well as some surprises in store.