Since last Monday, the Local Police of Valencia has issued a total of 42 fines to vehicles and motorhomes for parking in La Devesa and La Albufera during illegal hours.

The Councilor for Mobility and Security, Jesús Carbonell, has reiterated that “the coordination of the Devesa service and the Local Police is being key to improving the prevention of camping in the area, both in the parking areas and in the forest itself.” To this end, the council has reinforced the signage in La Devesa and La Albufera and has reiterated the ban on overnight parking and caravan camping in the natural park.

Thus, these days six new no-parking signs have been installed in the El Saler beach parking lot, with a time ban from 1:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. and 20 signs in the Los Ferros beach parking lot, with the same time ban.

Likewise, in the area around Sidi Saler, the parking ban is maintained from 10:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. In total, there are a total of nine plaques in La Garrofera (north Sidi) and seven in the Casbah (south Sidi).

In this sense, the councilor of Devesa Albufera, José Gosálbez, has clarified “that we seek to prevent parking lots from becoming caravan parks and to ensure that the regulations in force in the El Saler natural park are complied with.” For us, the Devesa and La Albufera park is a priority and we continue working to improve its conditions.”

For his part, the Councilor for Mobility and Security, Jesús Carbonell, has reiterated that “the coordination of the Devesa service and the Local Police is being key to improving the prevention of camping in the area, both in the parking areas and in the same forest. The joint work gives its results as this week has been able to verify.”

“In addition, with this measure we seek to prevent negative impacts on the flora, fauna and ecosystem of the Devesa Albufera, as well as guarantee the safety of visitors and preserve the tranquility of the area for the enjoyment of all citizens,” he indicated. Gosalbez.