Thousands of people demonstrated this Saturday in Valencia to show their rejection of the Government’s amnesty law, the president, Pedro Sánchez, and the former president of the Generalitat of Catalonia Carles Puigdemont and, after walking through some of the main streets of the city , they have read a manifesto.

Called by the Coordinator of Cultural Entities of the Kingdom of Valencia under the slogan “Equality before the law: neither amnesty nor referendum”, the demonstration was headed by a banner that read in Valencian “We are Valencians, we are Spanish, not a los Catalan countries”, along with the slogan of the march.

The protesters, between 100,000 and 14,000, according to the organizers’ estimates, and 7,000 according to the Government Delegation, carried Spanish flags and did not stop chanting against the amnesty and against Carles Puigdemont. Even some of the signs they carried read “The coup is over, the revolt breaks out.”

Among the participants, VOX has reported that its president and national deputy, Ignacio Gil Lázaro, as well as the vice president of the Generalitat, Vicente Barrera, and the minister of justice, Elisa Núñez, participated in the march, in addition to “thousands of members and sympathizers”. The national vice president of Vox, Reyes Romero, as well as the deputy for Valencia in Congress Carlos Flores have also participated.

The president of the Coordinator of Cultural Entities of the Kingdom of Valencia, Juan García Sentandreu, told EFE that it was “an unprecedented success”. “We want to publicly denounce the shameful pact of Sánchez and Puigdemont, which we understand is illegal and will break the Spanish nation,” he explained.

He has also confirmed that the bus of the “Make yourself heard” organization, which reads “Sánchez, traitor”, led the march “as an organization that joined the demonstration” and that there was “a truck calling for Puigdemont’s prison.”

The demonstration has “claimed that all Valencians and Spaniards must have equal rights and we cannot allow the advantageous character of Pedro Sánchez to have been taken advantage of by Catalan nationalism to ask for forgiveness of a debt that in the end all Spaniards will pay.” , especially from Madrid and Valencia”. “That goes against the principle of legal certainty that the Constitution defends,” he added, while also influencing the demonstration.

Upon arriving at his destination in Plaza América, a manifesto was read and in his parliament, Sentandreu accused Compromís, Acció Cultural del País Valenciá and the Valencian Academy of Language (AVL) of being “collaborators of Puigdemont and Sánchez in the independence process”. Likewise, he has asked the Generalitat Valenciana to dissolve the AVL and remove the subsidy.

At the end of the march, the tenor Javier Vila sang the regional anthem and the national anthem was heard “while a banner reading Puigdemont to prison was displayed.”