Donald Trump raised alarm bells about the future of the United States if he wins the key to the White House again. In an interview on Fox, he assured that he will be “a dictator,” although he clarified that “on the first day” of his mandate, he will be happy. His words raised eyebrows.

Throughout that interview, held in Iowa with public participation, host Seann Hannity, star of the far-right network and very pro-Trump, tried to get the former president to express himself in favor of democracy to try to neutralize the narrative. that the stability of the system in the United States is in serious danger if he wins the 2024 elections.

However, despite Hannity’s insistence, Trump declined to rule out whether he is willing to abuse executive power in the face of a possible second term. The host reiterated his questions and specifically repeated the question of whether he will use the government to persecute all those who criticize him.

“You mean like now,” he replied, trying to get away from it. Trump has several open cases, with nearly a hundred charges, among others, for trying to annul the 2020 electoral result and trying to perpetuate himself in power by sending his henchmen to occupy the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

After a few minutes, Hannity pressed again. “Will you promise Americans tonight that you will not abuse power for revenge?” This time he did get a response.

“Except for one day,” he stated. And the driver asked him for an explanation. “I want to close the border and drill, drill, drill,” alluding to oil exploitation, his courtship of the fossil energy lobby and its climate change denialism.

“This is not revenge!” Hannity exclaimed with relief. “We love you,” Trump added in reference to the interviewer. “I will only be a dictator one day. After that, I am not a dictator,” he added.

So Trump doubled down on his promise to close the border with Mexico and expand oil wells. “This sounds to me like he wants to go back to the policies of when Uster was president,” Hannity said before giving way to advertising. The exchange was preceded by the host’s introduction, who told Trump that the media was tying him up because of his rhetoric and his authoritarian tendencies.

President Joe Biden’s campaign then released a video of this exchange between Trump and his Fox ally under the title “dictator.” According to Julie Chavez Rodrigues, Biden’s campaign manager, “Donald Trump has confessed to us tonight exactly what he will do if he is re-elected and has said that he will be a dictator.” And she clarified in her statement that “Americans must believe it.”

It was only a while ago that Biden had suggested in Boston that, if Trump did not run in the elections next November, he probably would not have run again either. But as the “loser” tried to come to power again, he felt obliged to stop him because he considered him “a threat to the democracy of the United States.”