The JxCat candidate for mayor of Barcelona, ​​Xavier Trias, has added the vice president of Junts Josep Rius to his list for the next municipal elections, in which number 6 is reserved for a PDeCAT name, which will be expected to be occupied by the former vice president of the Government Joana Ortega.

Trias has presented the names of his candidacy this Wednesday afternoon before the Barcelona de Junts federation, a list in which the current councilors Neus Munté and Jordi Martí will have leading places, occupying numbers 2 and 3 respectively, they have explained to EFE party sources.

In addition to the incorporation of Ortega, which the sources consulted place at number 6, the Trias list reserves number 14 for another name of the PDeCAT, thus consummating the grouping in his candidacy of the bulk of the post-convergent space.

Number 9 on the list of Trias will be occupied by a member of Democrates de Catalunya, independenceist split of the former Democratic Union, in which the aforementioned sources place the deputy in the Parliament Titon Laïlla.

Beyond the incorporation of Ortega representing the PDeCAT, the main novelty of the Trias list is the inclusion of Josep Rius at number 7.

Current spokesman for the party and deputy in the Parliament, Rius is closely linked to the former president of the Generalitat Carles Puigdemont, of whom he is part of his closest nucleus.

The Trias list will also include former councilors Victòria Alsina, Damià Calvet and Ramon Tremosa, as well as the president of Junts en Barcelona, ​​Joan Rodríguez, current councilor Francina Vila and Arnau Vives representing the Nationalist Youth of Catalonia (JNC).

In the list that Trias has presented there are no names that are considered related to the president of JxCat, Laura Borràs, and the preparation of it has generated discomfort in the president’s environment, according to other sources consulted by EFE, who see the candidacy as a “lost opportunity” for Junts to move away from the old Convergència.

The party leadership gave Trias carte blanche to form a team and design a campaign that will try to distance itself from the slogans of “confrontation” advocated by JxCat and will seek a moderation space in the style of the one occupied by the old Convergència.

This typical profile of the Trias list will also be transferred to the graphic design of the ballots, in which the name of the candidacy will not be Junts, but “Trias per Barcelona-CM”, and the logo that will appear will also hide the initials of the party and will show only the face of the mayor.