* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

In the accelerated video that I share in Las Fotos de los Lectores de La Vanguardia, you can see a balloon going up through the Castellets and the other one that goes straight to the top of Les Agudes del Montseny, some images of the fog that I captured from Sant Bartomeu del Degree, in the region of Osona.

Going up to Les Agudes via los Castellets is a nice ascent and well known among hikers. In the photograph, you can see the two balloons above the fog and between Creu de Gurb and Les Agudes.

Sant Bartomeu del Grau is a great viewpoint of the Plana de Vic and the mountains that surround it, making it a good point to take images like these.

With 1706 meters of altitude, Les Agudes is part of the Montseny massif. Although it is straddling the regions of La Selva and Vallès Oriental, I captured the images from the region of Osona.

Les Agudes is accessed from the south, along the forest track that goes up to Turó de l’Home, crossing the Coll Sesbasses mountain pass and following the path that directly leads to the top.