Esquerra has stolen from Junts the flag of pragmatism and moderation that Convergència had always displayed. Thus, the formation of Jordi Turull has rushed to clearly reject the repeal of sedition before waiting to see how its express processing ends in Congress. It is clear that the departure of the Government will condition Junts to persist in this more radical path and will prevent the turn to the center that some prominent party members wanted to do. Yesterday, without going any further, the former Minister Jaume Giró admitted in an interview published in La Vanguardia that Junts “had turned its ideological postulates towards those of the ERC and the CUP” and had to regain centrality. Giró and the supporters of greater moderation in Junts are not going to have an easy way to achieve this.

The defeat of this sector in the consultation on the permanence in the Catalan Executive is already translating into a loss of influence in the decisions of the party and, according to what management sources tell us, in a significant increase in new militants who pay the theses by Carles Puigdemont and Laura Borràs. The future of the party president is complicated by her legal case, but it can be said that the ideas that she defends are in good health within the party.

What seems clear is that the option of a split seems to dissipate as the days go by. The credit belongs to Turull. that in the dilemma of breaking up the Government or breaking up the party, he preferred to maintain internal cohesion above all else. The different souls of Junts will persist within him, but without risk of fracture.

Another very different thing is their electoral expectations. The latest CEO survey, published last week, was cruel to Junts by predicting a sharp drop of between 8 and 13 seats in the next elections. It is clear that Junts no longer has anything to do with the old Convergència. The mistake of the analysts is to make these parallels. Junts has a clear roadmap that it has consolidated once it has left the Government. The paradox is that Esquerra, on the other hand, is trying to occupy that center abandoned by Junts.