The April Fair begins today with the lighting of the doorway, one of the most important events in the city with a great economic impact that this year is held without any type of covid restriction. Flemish women and tourists will no longer have to carry masks in their pockets, although perhaps a fan because high temperatures of more than 30 degrees are expected most days.

Last year, the first year that was celebrated again after the pandemic, Sevillians and visitors took to the party so eagerly that the first day the beer, Coca Cola and even ice sold out. And this year the forecasts are even better.

The President of the hoteliers of Seville, Manuel Cornax, assures that the sample carried out this week indicates an “85% occupancy at the fair, with a peak on Saturday of the little fish of 90% or higher and a valley area on Wednesday of 70 %”. “We will exceed 2022 by 10% and I hope that with last-minute reservations we will exceed 2019 by 2 or 3 points”.

For his part, the Delegate of the Interior and Major Festivals, Juan Carlos Cabrera, predicts that “the expected economic impact is 900 million euros and basically job creation.” “We are presaging the celebration of a full April Fair,” he assures in statements to Cadena Ser.

In addition, this year the April Fair celebrates a very special anniversary, the half century of the location of the Real in the Barrio de Los Remedios. To this end, a large number of events and exhibitions have been held and the residents of this neighborhood will be the ones who will have the honor of lighting the front door this year, the moment that kicks off the party.

The figures that move an event like this, considered the largest fair in Europe, are overwhelming. Booths, drinks, police and health personnel, public transport, visitors… everything is measured in huge quantities.

The 1,060 booths will house an average of 150,000 people a day at the fair who will walk through the fairgrounds together with 1,400 horse-drawn carriages, an event that will leave more than 900 million euros in the city with all that this entails in terms of infrastructure.

For example, the Tussam bus company forecasts 1,100,000 passengers who will go directly to the fair on this urban public transport. 1,691 people will be working to have the 414 buses at full capacity to take people who want to come to the fair from all parts of the city.

The figures for the drinks are more impressive. From Coca Cola they foresee 3 million drinks, of which 40% will be Sprite because the one that is mixed with chamomile to make the traditional “rebujito” and 30% of Coca Cola.

For its part, Cruz Campo, the quintessential Sevillian beer, is the one that will be served in 99% of the booths and it is expected that one million liters will be consumed during the event, some 530,000 beers a day. All this could even increase since consumption increases if it is very hot, and everything indicates that it will be so.

Sevillians and those who plan to visit the Real during these holidays do not stop looking at the weather forecasts, which have had many people in suspense regarding today, Saturday, the night of the little fish and the moment of lighting that begins the the fair.

For the moment, although there is a certain risk of rain, it is expected during the day and not very abundant, which should not be a problem because it would not muddy the albero of the streets or spoil the paper lanterns that adorn the Real .

However, it looks like it will be hot. At the moment, more than 30 degrees are expected every day of the fair, with maximum peaks of up to 36 and 37 degrees on Wednesday and Thursday, according to the portal, which offers forecasts for more days ahead than the AEMET.