The Civil Guard has arrested three British tourists as alleged perpetrators of a group rape in a hotel in Magaluf, in Calvià, to a girl who also denounces that she was drugged since at a given moment she lost consciousness. The rape occurred at dawn in the hotel where the tourists were staying.

This is the third multiple rape reported this summer on the island. An 18-year-old girl was raped last July by several young tourists in a hotel on Platja de Palma. Five of them remain in jail provisionally. The second multiple rape occurred in a hotel in Magaluf and eight tourists were arrested and remain in prison. Two of them were arrested in France.

Regarding the group rape this Friday, the Civil Guard said in a statement that the girl contacted one of the detainees on Thursday night through a social network and stayed with him at the hotel. Once there, she assures that she was most likely drugged since she completely lost control and at that moment the rape began. The Civil Guard investigates the degree of participation of each of the young tourists, but suspects that she was raped by at least two of them and the third could be watching the attack without having acted to defend the young woman.

The Civil Guard has received a notice this morning with the complaint of the young woman. Several specialized effects have taken charge of the investigations since the Civil Guard has deployed specific personnel in the area within the framework of the High Impact Operation, something that has been done in summer for two years.

These agents took the victim to the Son Espases hospital in Palma, where she was examined by the doctors and the forensic doctor, who certified that the young woman could have been raped due to various injuries she had. As a consequence of this, the protocol for action against this type of aggression was launched.

Meanwhile, the agents identified the attackers, who had just left the hotel where they were staying in the direction of the airport with the intention of taking a flight back to their country of origin. At Palma airport, at noon they were detained minutes before boarding a plane to Manchester. The Civil Guard instructs proceedings to try to clarify the degree of participation in the rape of each of the detainees.