The Princess of Asturias will swear in the Constitution before the Cortes Generales, meeting in Solemn Session in the Chamber of the Congress of Deputies, next Tuesday, October 31.

This will be the oath, provided for in article 61 of the Constitution, which establishes that the Crown Prince, upon reaching the age of majority, will take an oath to faithfully perform his duties, to keep and ensure that the Constitution and the laws are kept and to respect the rights of citizens and autonomous communities.

The Kings and the Princess of Asturias and the Infanta Doña Sofía, will arrive at the Carrera de San Jerónimo at 11:00 a.m., escorted by the Royal Guard Squadron, where they will form the Honors Battalion, four companies of the armies of Land, Navy, Air and Civil Guard with Flag, squad of spenders, band and music.

The Kings and Princess of Asturias and Infanta Sofía will be received by the acting President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, and the Chief of the Defense Staff (JEMAD), Teodoro Esteban López Calderón. From the podium, the King will receive military honors and will then review the Honors Battalion.

The president of the Congress of Deputies, Francina Armengol, and the president of the Senate, Pedro Rollán, will receive the Royal Family and the acting President of the Government at the foot of the steps of the Palace of the Congress of Deputies.

The Royal Family, preceded by the presidents of both Chambers, will enter the Queen’s Hall through the Lions’ Gate, where they will greet the presidents of the Constitutional Court, Cándido Conde Pumpido, and the General Council of the Judiciary, the member Vicente Guilarte .

In the Hall of Lost Steps, Their Majesties the Kings and Their Royal Highnesses the Princess of Asturias and the Infanta Doña Sofía will greet the members of the Congress and Senate Boards. Once the greeting is over, the authorities will access the stage of the Chamber, accompanying the Royal Family to the Presidency of the Session Hall.

The Solemn Session of the Cortes Generales will begin, after the interpretation of the National Anthem, with the speech of the president of Congress, which will include the reference to the agreement adopted by the Council of Ministers on October 10, 2023 by which requests the holding of the joint session of the chambers for the taking of the oath referred to in article 61 of the Constitution by the Crown Princess.

At the end of this intervention, the president will ask deputies and senators to stand up and will ask the Princess of Asturias to take the oath in accordance with the Constitution. Following the oath, the president will acknowledge the oath and will adjourn the session.

At the end of the event in the Session Hall, the presidents of the Congress of Deputies and the Senate will present the Princess of Asturias with the medals from each of the chambers, and the Crown Princess will then be invited to inaugurate the second edition of the Book of Honor of the Congress of Deputies.

In the Hall of Lost Steps, the Royal Family will greet all those invited to the event: vice presidents and acting ministers, dean of the Diplomatic Corps, presidents of the autonomous communities, former presidents of the Government, head of the opposition, parliamentary spokespersons, speakers of the Constitution, former presidents of both chambers, mayor of Madrid, president of the Council of State, president of the Court of Accounts, Attorney General of the State, Ombudsman, Secretary of State for Relations with the Cortes, heads of the General Staff, Government delegate from Madrid, deputies and senators and the rest of the guests.

The Royal Family, together with the representatives of the high institutions of the State and the autonomous communities, and the Tables and spokespersons of the Congress and Senate, will be located on the Palace Stairs, from which they will witness the parade along the Carrera de San Jerónimo de the grouping of the Armed Forces and Civil Guard.