This will be the new PAI of Benimaclet: 1,346 homes and a large green park of 30,000 m2

The Councilor for Urbanism of the Valencia City Council, Juan Giner, met this Monday with different groups of Benimaclet to explain to them the proposal of the Integral Action Program (PAI) that the Metrovacesa company has presented to start the procedures for the Strategic Environmental Evaluation.

The new design allows the creation of a large green park of 30,000 square meters in the center of the area and reduces the area for private use by more than 15,000 square meters, which entails the creation of more public spaces, according to municipal sources.

In addition, the green areas have increased by more than 20,000 square meters compared to the current planning, an increase of more than 40%, and of the 1,345 homes in this PAI, 30% will be Public Protection Housing, according to the same sources.

The new proposal integrates the ideas of the plan designed by the architect José María Ezquiaga, editor of the draft of the Special Plan for the functional area No. 18 of Benimaclet, as agreed in a motion approved in the Urban Planning Commission last September, and incorporates proposals raised in different participatory processes.

According to the same sources, the new proposal establishes mixed uses at the ends of the area, where the built surface is concentrated to generate two poles of activity that house tertiary buildings in front of the Avenida de Cataluña and Avenida de Alfahuir roundabouts.

This design, which concentrates the building at the ends, creates in the center of the area “a large green lung” of 30,000 square meters, and proposes an improvement in the connection of the city with the orchard, so that the orientation of the the buildings to follow the current urban layout.

Furthermore, by concentrating the buildability at the ends, the height has been reduced in the rest of the blocks, so that it has been assimilated to the heights of the already existing buildings, while a green strip has been incorporated into the PAI lands. adjacent and parallel to the Northern Ring Road.

The City Council points out that new facilities are available throughout the entire area, with a local market, sports facilities, educational facilities and different multifunctional spaces, which are complemented by the recovery of the Casa Tello and Casa Bolea farmhouses.

The new design was analyzed this Monday with representatives of the Association of Benimaclet Neighbors, Benimaclet Musical Instructional Center (CIM), Si al PAI, Per Benimaclet, Cofradía de los Santos Patronos, Asociación Cultural Poble de Benimaclet and Cuidem Benimaclet.

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