The bill of the socialist group to reform the law of only yes is yes will be processed in Congress thanks to the votes of PSOE, PP, Cs, PDeCat, PNV and the Canary Islands Coalition and with the doubt of what Vox will do, which He has only announced that he will not oppose it, in a dramatic vote that will take place late this Tuesday afternoon in which, for the first time, the two government formations will vote separately on an issue that affects their legislative agenda. .
Unidas Podemos will give an image of unity and will vote as a block, including the second vice president and Minister of Labor, Yolanda DÃaz, and the Minister of Consumption, Alberto Garzón, against taking the proposal into consideration, considering that it displaces consent as the center of the law. And in this block of the no, a good part of the usual partners of the Coalition Executive such as ERC, EH Bildu, the CUP and the BNG will predictably accompany him.
On the other hand, Más PaÃs and CompromÃs, unhappy with the “irresponsibility” that, in their opinion, means that the Executive has transferred its differences to the investiture block and that it is forcing the groups to position themselves on this issue, they will abstain. And Junts will join them, which considers that it is an “electoral battle” between the government partners.
This vote makes both government partners uncomfortable and this has become clear in the press conferences that took place this morning in Congress after the meeting of the board of spokespersons. Thus, the socialist spokesman, Patxi López, has asked the purple people to reflect. “If there is a problem, what you have to do is solve it,” said López, who warned that “it is not a matter of who we vote for, but who we vote for.” “For the victims of sexual assaults”, he has clarified to blurt out to his partners that “others will have to explain why they do not want to do it”. In any case, the socialist spokesman still sees time for them to think about it and not vote against.
For his part, the spokesman for Podemos, Javier Sánchez, has charged the responsibility for this crisis to the socialist wing, which he has urged to rectify, prevent his plan to reformulate the regulations from being supported by the PP and Vox and rebuild the consensus with their parliamentary allies. In this sense, Sánchez has asked the PSOE if it will join the applause of PP and Vox when they add a majority to reform the norm and has denounced that this drift is “nonsense” and an “absurd situation” that they are trying to avoid so that it does not happen. a “terrible image” on the eve of 8M, international women’s day. Therefore, he has stated that they will have their hand out until the “last minute” with a view to reaching an agreement.
Podemos sees it as “very difficult” to reach agreements with the PSOE on this issue, not even in the parliamentary process. By contrast, the commons see options and “time” to try to reach an agreement during the parliamentary process. The president of the United Podemos confederal group, Jaume Asens, has said this, who has also lamented the “image of division” among the members of the coalition that he has labeled as “an error” just the day before 8-M. “The feminist movement doesn’t deserve it,” he said.