Marisol has once again been the protagonist on TVE with the remission of the documentary ‘Lazos de sangre’ about Pepa Flores, the actress who played the mythical character of Spanish cinema. Through her daughter, Celia, and her sister, Vicky, the program has reviewed the life of the actress, who is currently 75 years old and is completely removed from public life. The documentary narrates from her childhood marked by long hours of work, going through her triumph, her relationship with the Goyanes and her marriage to Antonio Gades.

Pepa Flores was an icon of Spanish cinema. A girl who became a woman who yearned for freedom. Since she was 10 years old, she has been working long hours at the theater and in the cinema. Her childish image of her was exploited by the man who discovered her, Manuel Goyanes. Marisol’s fame made the actress, Pepa Flores, continue to be remembered two decades after retiring from the media spotlight.

She was the first Spanish actress to generate such a stir, within the country and internationally. In fact, she was one of the first to sell merchandising. Such was her success that Manuel Goyanes received offers to sell the character of Marisol to Hollywood and he did not want to. Because a mark had formed around her. Pepa Flores and Marisol were one.

But she could not continue being a child all her life and when she entered adulthood new challenges presented themselves that put her professional life in jeopardy. From her love life and her rebellion to her nakedness in the magazine ‘Interviú’, which was a revolution in Spain. A photograph that her author, César Lucas, has confessed on the program that it was actually commissioned by her husband, Carlos Goyanes, “for a project they had” and that it was done long before the magazine was created. .

Although Pepa Flores continues to receive innumerable offers to return to the cinema, she does not consider it. In fact, at one point she met with a well-known film director, she left him a blank checkbook so that she could set a price. To which she responded by closing the checkbook and saying: “in life not everything is done for money”.

Despite the fact that Pepa Flores has not participated in the TVE documentary, she did have a message that she wanted her relatives, her daughter Celia and her sister Vicky, to convey for her. And it is that she has not killed Marisol. As her daughter Celia tells of her, “Pepa is one person and Marisol another and Pepa is the one who respects Marisol the most, let the whole world know. She has not killed Marisol, she continues to live in her”.

In addition, both have wanted to convey that the actress is now free and is retired in a house in the countryside in Malaga, what she had always dreamed of. “She claims freedom and I wish her that there is no black legend about Marisol. She wants peace and is happy, ”concludes her daughter Celia.

Pepa Flores is currently retired in Malaga, away from the media spotlight and with no intention of returning to the cinema or show business. She is in love with her, with a man “who has never asked her for anything” and focused on her family.