It is not easy to start a career in social networks, even more so when the dream of so many young people is to become an influencer or content creator. However, there are a few tricks to reach the public, and one of them is humor. The Valencian Benja Serra is one of the latest creators who are sweeping social networks. The reason? His peculiar humor, his success in his parodies and having achieved something unprecedented: barely having any ‘haters’.

“People are increasingly demanding, even for humor and entertainment,” explains Serra, ensuring that content creators have to manage to be more and more original if they want to make people laugh. “I take making people laugh very seriously, but that takes a lot of work.”

Serra creates his own original content, he has his characters – which cause a sensation – and he has become very well known thanks to his Callejeros Benjeros (his now famous parodies of Callejeros Viajeros), with which he is touring different parts of the peninsula geography and which They are making their followers multiply.

So far he has passed through Lisbon, Toledo and Valencia, and things seem to be promising. “My idea is to visit as many destinations as possible,” she says. “Barcelona, ??Alicante, Zaragoza, cities in Andalusia, Galicia… even from small towns ask me a lot,” she reveals, ensuring that she will try to take advantage of any city.

A successful project that at first Serra thought was going to remain a simple humor video like another one, but things changed when some of his followers confessed to having traveled to those destinations since making the videos.

“I am realizing that Callejeros Benjeros can actually promote tourism through humor; after all, I am traveling around the entire city to show it, even if it is through comedy. Some tourist office has offered me visit their city, that is, this means that they do see the value in it as a format to promote tourism,” he reveals.

Its success, however, may be due to the fact that it creates a very “white” humor, with which its followers identify very easily. “I never intend to offend anyone, at least intentionally,” Serra insists, ensuring that his content always tries to be as least conflictive and controversial as possible. “I try to reflect everyday situations, things that happen to all of us, types of people you meet on a daily basis… I have worked on my own language, specific characters and formats that have worked.”

Of all her characters, her favorite is the Hogwarts language teacher, one of the most applauded by her loyal followers; Also Begoña, the pizpireta supermarket cashier. “Begoña allows me to say what I would have liked to say on occasion to some clients, and from what my followers who work in front of the public tell me, they do too,” she laughs.

Another key to its success is the constant interaction with its followers, who are also responsible for the proper functioning of its content. In addition to his subscription channel on Instagram, which he works on daily, he also does his best to maintain a very active community. “I always want to know what they would like to see, or have them guess my next character or Benjeros’ next destination… I can’t always do everything they ask of me, but I keep it in mind,” he says.

With such success, it is normal to think that Serra’s future on social media is more than assured. However, the digital content creator continues to maintain his office work, which takes up most of his day. Afterwards, he writes his scripts and texts, in addition to recording his videos at night.

“I am lucky that there are several brands that have trusted me to create content for their campaigns and always maintaining my style, so I am very lucky,” he says, confident that he will be able to dedicate himself to his true passion, comedy, for a long time. time. And like everyone, he has his dreams.

“I would love to fill a theater with a show of mine or work with some great television star, and act professionally in a play, series or film. It would be a fantasy. Since it is a dream, I ask for everything. For asking no be”.