Many states have medical marijuana programs stating the process of obtaining a Medical Marijuana card. When asked what you need to know about getting a medical marijuana card in NYC, you can say that there are strict rules governing access. The medical marijuana card is mainly tied to the place you live in and varies from state to state. Further, it helps you in purchasing several products from the dispensaries containing marijuana in it. The card also allows the owners to plant the trees in their homes and use cannabis delivery services.

What are the qualifying requirements to get the card?

This also varies depending on the state. Each state has its own list of qualifying conditions and set of rules to meet before being approved for the medical marijuana card. The card is so much more affordable because it has lesser tax payments, and you get access to quality products as any marijuana products in any dispensaries are tested to check if it has impurities.

If the use of medical cannabis is legal in your state, you can use a medical card to help you manage your symptoms. If you are a New York resident, here is what you need to know about how to get a medical marijuana card in NYC.

You have to renew your card yearly.

Many people feel that once they get the medical card, it is valid for life. But the marijuana medical card needs to be renewed every year. You will have to go through the same process, including a recommendation from the doctor.

How to get a medical marijuana card?

The first protocol is to check the list of qualifying conditions that warrant access to the medical marijuana card. The next step is getting a recommendation from a licensed marijuana physician. The doctor has to be convinced that medical cannabis is the effective alternative for your condition. Upon the doctor’s approval, the last step is getting the medical card online or through the mail.

The states charge an application fee before giving the medical card. The fees differ for different states. Likewise, the standard fee is from $50 to $ 200, depending on what the person is taking.

How much cannabis can you buy with the card?

Around 1 ounce to 6 ounces of medical marijuana is allowed under the card. But it also differs within states. So, check with the authorities or your doctor to know the exact amount allowed. Medical marijuana is affordable than the normal ones found in the markets as the government taxes heavily on recreational marijuana compared to medical marijuana.


A medical marijuana card is helpful, and it should be used appropriately according to the guiding principles provided by the state.