The pillars of democracy are three but that is in Hellenic Greece, the United States of America or the French Republic. In Spain the pillars of democracy are one: me and my circumstances.
Yesterday the phone rang. An unidentified number. In other words: nothing good. A male voice mentioned my name. The altruistic offer of some energy? Purita’s boyfriend, cheerful stylist? The Moncloa palace?
-In relation to the recent robbery at your home, I think we have recovered your objects…
Thanks to the thief, arrested the day before yesterday in Barcelona, ??I told you about an experience – the break-in while I was sleeping – and now I am going to tell you about another – the recovery of stolen objects.
And thank you Mossos d’Esquadra, body of my life and my heart. At the agreed time, they already have me in a police station where the loot of the criminal was exposed, with a laborious nature and without great ambitions to the point that the cigars in the humidor were still intact.
The dependency seemed like a whole to a hundred and in minutes he had already recovered some belongings for whose recovery he did not give a penny.
I, to be honest, as a good Spaniard, was content to poke Colau and tell friends and strangers about it to start a conversation. You start talking about insecurity or the works and you end up asking for tila (or a phone number).
As the pillars of democracy are me and my circumstances, it is worth adding another optimistic, healthy and sustainable experience. What great hospitals we have within the reach of all Spaniards! When your mother is bad, very bad, and the truth shows its paw under the door, this taxpayer feels comforted by the health effort, the humanity and professionalism of those who guard the lives of our loved ones in certain situations. Little joke!
On days like today, whoever writes this accepts taxes and forgets for a day about another embassy in Tokyo. On the contrary, he gives thanks for living in a country where the police prevent bad guys from succeeding and its hospitals, like Sant Pau, exceed expectations.